
The 8 Best Racetracks In Montana

Mark Barnett
Last Updated: February 24th, 2023

When you consider the landscape and terrain it’s no wonder that Montana is a popular destination for all kinds of racing.

Visitors will encounter, what may seem like, a high number of racetracks in Montana, with venues hosting action such as drag, speedway, motocross, and off-road racing all being common across the state.

Many of these racetracks in Montana come with the stunning contrast of mountain backdrops, and if you are a fan of any kind of motor racing you won’t be too hard pushed to find a spot of authentic, Montana-style action.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the top racetracks in Montana so that you can catch some of the action for yourself on your next visit.

fairgrounds racing track
Image: David Schott

The Top Racetracks In Montana

  1. Lewistown Raceway
  2. Electric City Speedway
  3. Big Sky Speedway
  4. Gallatin Raceway
  5. Lost Creek Raceway
  6. Mission Valley Super Oval
  7. Last Chance Raceway
  8. More Off-Road Racing Billings

lewistown raceway, lewistown

1. Lewistown Raceway, Lewistown

The Lewistown Raceway is apparently Montana’s oldest drag strip. Just west of Lewistown, the quarter-mile dragstrip is located on an old disused taxiway stretch at the Lewistown Municipal Airport.

This is one of the most renowned and attended asphalt drag racetracks in the region, not least of all due to its long heritage since the late 1950s.

As with most racetracks the races are held regularly on weekends and are open to anyone wanting to join the fun after they have registered.

2. Electric City Speedway, Great Falls

electric city speedway, great falls

Just north of Great Falls along Highway 87, race fans can find this high-banked oval track that stretches 3/10 of a mile. There’s a large parking lot at the venue and some sections of it allow camping, although there’s a strict no-pet rule here.

Inside the stadium, there’s a full catch fence complete with electronic scoring in effect, a pit-viewing area that allows access to some great close-up action, a 2000-capacity grandstand, and various food and drink concessions.

For more information about Electric City Speedway, Great Falls Click here

3. Big Sky Speedway, Billings

big sky speedway, billings
Image: Bigsky Speedway

Formerly known as the Billings Motorsports Park, this racetrack in Billings is a high-banked, three-eighths-of-a-mile, oval dirt-track surface. There’s ample gravel parking which accommodates tents and campers but no hookups are available.

This is a family-friendly speedway race track with open seating. The venue also features family restrooms and a free play area for kids.  Fans will find the pits outside the tracks but they are allowed into the area.

4. Gallatin Raceway, Belgrade

ballatin raceway, belgrade

This speedway track first opened its gates back in 1998 after the region’s previous Hub of the Valley Speedway closed its doors for good.

Now considered by many as one of the best dirt tracks in the state, Gallatin Raceway in Belgrade is the only IMCA-sanctioned racetrack in southwest Montana and a must for all local and visiting stock car racing fans.

The main action occurs between May and September every year as street stocks, super stocks, and all kinds of other modified styles compete on the quarter-mile dirt oval.

There’s a spectator stand, a beer garden, and full concessions in and around the venue–which is a real hotspot of racing action, and kids under 12 go in free.

5. Lost Creek Raceway, Anaconda

lost creek raceway, anaconda
Image: Lost Creek Raceway

Lost Creek Raceway is a 1/8-mile asphalt dragstrip located just east of Anaconda. This is a traditional-style venue that is all about the spirit of drag racing and an enjoyable, family-friendly atmosphere.

It’s a mixed bag at this Montana raceway which features various events on scheduled Saturdays and Sundays between April and September.

Spectators from the stands can witness the full extent of the action, and concessions, a souvenir shop, and a play area for kids are available.

6. Mission Valley Super Oval, Polson

mission valley super oval, polson
Image: Mission Valley Super Oval

The Polson Super Oval asphalt race track has a mission to create a ‘fun, fair, family-friendly, racing environment’ as well as make sure that spectators get what they want. Some of the most exciting events take place on Saturday nights as both professional and amateur racers compete for glory on the racetrack.

Like all the best Montana racetracks, Mission Valley does its best to create an atmosphere that caters to all comers, and this extends to spectators and entrants alike. You will find concessions and beer gardens on site.

The organizers work constantly to try and improve the flow and consistency of the races, as well as safety. This means constant safety and technical checks as well as adherence to MVSO Rules.

7. Last Chance Raceway, Helena

last chance raceway, helena

The Last Chance Raceway in Helena is a unique racetrack that came about initially as a motocross club.  Becoming known as the Last Chance Riders Association, the team of motocross racers found themselves with additional new space and started a membership plan for access to the raceway.

Eventually, membership and demand expanded into what you see today at the racetrack. The organizers describe the set-up as “basically a large family with a common bond through a love of dirt bikes and a childlike zest for fun”. As a member, you get your own keys and access to the grounds 24/7, year-round.

The LCRA Master Event Schedule typically runs from the end of March to the end of September and features Grand Prix races, Motocross Championships, CMX Race Series, and a ClassX for vintage vehicles.

8. More Off-Road Racing, Billings

more off-road racing, billings

Billings is also home to another one of Montana’s top facilities when it comes to off-road racing. Various styles of off-road competition occur at the MORE racetrack facility.

Side-by-side Mud Drags and high-flying Short Course Racing is the norm, with recent additional events coming by way of Go Karting and Pit Bike Races.

The Bottom Line

On the whole, Montana is fully geared-up toward racetrack culture. This is evident across a variety of different tracks, races, levels, and activities, which all benefit from the open, rugged terrain.

What we have here is just the tip of the iceberg, and you’ll likely find some kind of racing facility in every town and city. It’s not hard to see the passion behind the sport from the fact that many of the owners and organizers are or were previously competitors.

The attendances are pretty impressive, too—so next time you’re in the vicinity, check out some of the racetracks in Montana.

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About The Author

Mark Barnett

Mark Philip is a writer and lifestyle enthusiast from the Midlands in the U.K. With a background in martial arts and fitness, Mark headed out to Bangkok, Thailand where he now lives and works. Mark has authored e-books, articles, and blogs across a wide range of topics for commercial, educational, factual, lifestyle and leisure-based purposes.

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