Comprised of a combination of land from the public domain and privately held land, the Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge contains four main water units.
The Thibadeau Diversion Dam, Grassy Lake, Mud Lake, and Lake Thibadeau themselves fall under the management of the U.S. Fish and wildlife service for the purposes of both water and wildlife conservation.
It is managed as a subsidiary of the Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge Complex.
When these basins are dry, they pose no significant benefit to migrating or local wildlife, certainly not near as much as they do in the spring when they are active wetlands.
They are utilized for farming during this time and left to refill each spring after the winter melt.
The refuge is located north of Havre near the border with Canada. Because of a combination of the complicated land rights on the refuge and lack of access via public roads, the refuge is not open to the public.
Lake Thibadeau National Wildlife Refuge Stats
- Day Use Fees: n/a
- Size:3,868 acre
- Season: Closed to the public
- Major Feature: Thibadeau Lake Dam